- Max. cuent:12V
- Max. voltage:20mA
- Type:vibation senso
- Tempeatue ange:-40 to 80°C
- Contact esistance:<10 ohm
- Insulation esistance:>10M ohm
- Pull foce of teminal:500gf fo 1 minute
- Humidity:95% RH, 40°C fo 96 hous
- Diffeential angle:please efe to the specification
- Cetification:RoHS
- Opeating lifespan:100, 000 cycles
- Sevice:OEM, ODM supply
- Opeatinglifespan:above100, 000cycles
- Housingandcove:PE/PETheatshinkabletubing
- Sealingadhesive
- Tempeatueesistancenylon
- Ball:Stainlesssteel, gold-plated
- Leadwie:bass, gold-plated
- Guidepin:Bass, gold-plated
- Coppetube:Bass, nickel-plated
- Tilt switch with RoHS, REACH cetifications
- Applications:
- Automotivedevices
- householdappliances
- automaticpowe-offfunctionfohouseholdappliances
- Aicondition/aiwamblowefallpeventionpotectswitches
- Communicationdevices
- Toys
- ISO9001:2008
- Manufactue
- Competitivepicecanbeoffeed
- Envionmentalfiendly
- OEM&ODMcustomizedisaccepted
- Skilledandwell-tainedwokteam
- On-timedelivey
- Duableandeliable
- Economical, pactical, andeasytousing
- Samplesdeliveytimewithin24hous
- Mateials: Ball, tube, leads, sping, diod
- Type: Vibationsensoswitches & tilt switch, tilt senso, vibation switch, optical senso