型号 (Style)基本参数(Specification)机器特征 (Featues)F305机器尺寸Measuement440*330*700毫米(深*宽*高)440*330*700mm (D*W*H)料盒特征 Instant powde caniste4个料盒,每个料盒可装1500-2000克原料 about 1.5-2 kgs each caniste, in total 4 canistes.毛量 G.W37.5公斤 37.5kgs饮料种类 Choice of dinks出7种热饮和1种热水 7 hot dinks and one hot wate电压/频率 Voltage220VAC/50Hz, 110VAC/60Hz水箱/热胆容量 Capacity of tank/heate内置水箱:8升;热胆:1.6升 Wate tank: 8L; Heate: 1.6L功率 Powe1600W供水方式 Wate supplying水泵 Wate pump 机器材质Mateial冷轧板和不锈钢箱体可选配 metal and Stainless is optional其他 Othes不带投币不带落杯 Not available fo coin slot and auto cup dispense